“Stepan Bandera – the cursed soldier” – such a banner was seen at a politically rally at Wroclaw by “Television Republic” according to social media group Kresy.pl.
Such information is incorrect. No banner with such content, nor video on “Television Republic” was found to confirm such claims. The portal Kresy.pl had used photomontage to create confusion among its readers.
The original photo was taken during a demonstration in support for Ukraine, which took place on February 2013 in Wroclaw. There was a large banner that said the following: “No free Poland without a free Ukraine”.

The following photo is from the fund “Grapefruit”.



The following manipulation was done by Kresy.pl to the second image: the original writing on the banner was changed and the logo of “Television Republic” was added in the corner to add authenticity to the image. The phrase “cursed soldier” was used to target those who protested against Putin and demonstrated solidarity with Ukraine.

In Poland the name of “cursed soldiers” was given to armed members of the anti-Soviet underground in the years of 1949-1950, many of which were accused of collaborating with the Nazis and taking part in ghastly murders of peaceful people. The memory of these underground members was denigrated and many were excommunicated by the Church. As of late these people were rehabilitated and are now considered heroes by most of the Polish population. Taking into account that most Polish people do not support the actions of Stepan Bandera, this banner caused an uproar amongst most Poles. If it did exist, of course.


The message was readily intercepted by a famous blogger, who in turn accused Yaroslav Kachinsky: “Yaroslav should be proud” he wrote.


After the manipulation was revealed in the broadcast of “Television Republic”, Kresy.pl deleted the post. However, screenshots cannot be burned…

Source: niezalezna.pl.