Saturday, July 27, 2024


Stories in the Context section are not fakes. We publish them in order to provide greater insight for our readers about the techniques, methods and practices used by the Russian government in its information war. They appear on our site with the permission of their original publisher and reflect the views of the authors and not necessarily the position of StopFake’s editorial board.

Paint It Black – pro-Kremlin take on the NATO Summit

By EUvsDisinfo On 9-11 July, NATO’s 75th Summit took place in Washington, DC. From Ukraine’s perspective, the summit was a success. The NATO allies signed a declaration that...

The Remorseless

By EUvsDisinfo Lavrov and pro-Kremlin propagandists continue their macabre dance on the graves of innocents, revealing once again the true, cruel nature of Putin’s regime. The...

MH17: Ten Years of Russian Lying and Denying

By EUvsDisinfo July 17 marks the 10-year commemoration of the dramatic event in which Russia fired a BUK 9M83 surface-to-air missile from the temporarily occupied...

Hospital bombing was latest act in Russia’s war on Ukrainian healthcare

By Olha Fokaf, for UkraineAlert The bombing of Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital in Kyiv on July 8 has sparked a wave of global condemnation, with US...

Seeking Rifts and Launching Missiles

By EUnsDisinfo The Kremlin knows that even its most vicious intimidation tactics, like launching a cruise missile against a children’s hospital, will not break Ukrainian...

The Kremlin Mobilises the Church for War… for Africa

By Olena Snigyr, Ph.D, for EUvsDisinfo In its confrontation with the West, Russia seeks allies among the countries of the Global South, particularly in Africa....

Tainting the new Dawn

By EUvsDisinfo Last week, quite a few pivotal moments took place in the European political landscape. The European Council nominated a new EU political leadership...

Three Kremlin Disinformation Narratives About NATO Enlargement

By EUvsDisinfo As Finland and Sweden joined NATO, Kremlin disinformation campaigns ramped up, deploying classic rhetorical tactics to undermine their decisions. Soon after Finland joined NATO...

Wars of ‘the West’, Kumbaya of the Kremlin

By EUvsDisinfo Wars, especially those attributed to others, are a prominent feature of the Kremlin’s attempts to paint the world in its colours. The past...

Elections are Battlefields for the Kremlin: Dismiss and Drive Wedges

By EUvsDisinfo From 6-9 June, elections to the European Parliament took place across EU Member States in the largest European democratic exercise. These elections give a governing...