Кommentarii, UainfoOdessa Daily, Rambler Novosti and some other mass media came up with the news of a Crimean citizen from Sevastopol who received Russian passport to find out that his place of registration had been changed to Magadan, the
news was proved by a screen shot of TSN (Television Service of News) Facebook page (the information is no longer confirmed by the TSN site).

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Citations from social networks were pulled as proofs along with the main argument — the following image:


Apparently the document states the change of Sevastopol registration of some Ivan Ivanovich to registration in Magadan. However, the issue is that a similar document appeared in the Internet long time ago — the same Ivan Ivanovich, but with Moscow registration and even with a family name:  Ivanov (censored in «Magadan» registration).


This registration certificate can be found in this article about the increase of illegal immigrants in Russia in 2011, also on the tourism site in the article about temporary registration, and in VK (Vkontakte) Moscow registration group.

All of the documents are identical: same names, issuing authority, recipient and the document of identification number. Only the registration dates were edited.

In addition, according to Vgorode, the representatives of Kiev district council of Sevastopol, responsible for issuing Russian passports, refuted refuted the place of registration swapping rumours.

«What Magadan? What are you talking about? The passports we receive are blank; we don’t fill them with any Magadan or Vorkuta registrations. That’s gossip, » — stated one of the district council workers.