This video has never been shown on Ukrainian television. To create a fake video, its authors used the real story of the American news program CBS Mornings and replaced its audio track.
Some network users and propaganda Telegram channels are sharing a video story allegedly from a Ukrainian TV channel. It claims that foreign mercenaries, who were previously being actively sent to the Ukrainian forces by the Western allies, are currently leaving Ukraine and heading to Israel to participate in the IDF’s operations in the Gaza Strip.

Propagandists claim that by showing this story on national television, Ukraine allegedly finally acknowledged that the US and other allies were sending their servicemen to Ukraine to fight against Russia.
In reality, this video is a fake, and the information in it is not true. First of all, this video lacks the TV channel logo, the journalist’s name or any other data that would confirm it being produced by the Ukrainian TV channel. At the same time, the voice over constantly uses vocabulary typical for Kremlin propaganda. It reports that “foreign mercenaries” are leaving Ukraine en masse for the sake of the war in Israel. Previously, StopFake analyzed this narrative in detail in the story Fake: Foreigners Fighting for Ukraine are Mercenaries.

As we managed to establish, this video material was never shown on Ukrainian television. To craft this fake, its authors used the real footage of the American CBS Mornings news program Israel prepares for ground invasion of Gaza after an unprecedented Hamas attack from October 9, 2023, and replaced the original audio track with their own recording.
Previously, StopFake refuted similar disinformation in the stories Fake: US is Massively Recruiting Mercenaries for the War in Ukraine, Fake: Thousands of Polish Mercenaries have Dead in Russia’s War Against Ukraine, Fake: Legionellosis Outbreaks in the Ukrainian Forces Caused by Polish Mercenaries.