Every Ukrainian soldier fighting on Donbas was promised a parcel of land there and two slaves. This statement was announced in the news item of Russian Channel One on November 2. There are no proofs of the truthfulness of this statement.

The only evidence the TV channel adduces is “a mosaic of fragments of soldiers’ conversations”.
“Having put together a mosaic of fragments of soldiers’ conversations, they (residents of Donbas – ed.) were horrified by the destiny probably prepared for them”, says off-screen announcer. Then “the head of the village community” Viktor Bykodorov (evidently, he is a self-proclaimed head, as the previous head of the village council Volodymyr Konovalov had fled away) tells that Ukrainian troops allegedly entered the village of Stepanivka of Donetsk region and drove all villagers together. Then they said: “You should be thankful that we did not kill you, we had such an order!” When asked: “Why are you fighting on our land?” Ukrainian soldiers allegedly answered: “We were promised a parcel of land and two slaves”. This is the story told by the self-proclaimed head of the village community.
The TV channel presents the statement that Ukrainian soldiers will be given two slaves per man as a proven fact without adducing any proofs. Right after Bykodorov’s words black-and-white images of the Second World War appear on the screen. The announcer comments them with the following words: “It appears that Stepanivka escaped the destiny of Khatyn. How much more Donbas towns and villages would have been razed to the ground, if the attack of militia-men had not interfered with the plans of chastisers?”
It should be reminded that the village of Stepanivka of Shakhtarsk District of Donetsk region was destroyed with the fire of “Grad” by the militants of so-called Donetsk People Republic. No whole buildings remained there and the majority of its inhabitants leaved the village. At that moment soldiers of Armed Forces of Ukraine from Zhytomyr and Rivne regions were based in the village. “Soldiers said that they did not want to fight. All of them were from villages, no one was from a city. Very nice guys”, told local people about them.
However, journalists of the Channel One associate Ukrainians with fascists without any proofs and thus form a negative attitude to them. Journalists do not mention either how they managed to learn the plans of “chastisers”, nor that it was exactly “militia-men”, who razed the village to the ground.
“Parcels of land with slaves, promised by Hitler to his soldiers, and fascist symbols on helmets conspicuously show who were the predecessors of the militants of so-called National Guard”, informs a journalist.
An image with a fascist symbol on a helmet can’t prove that the Ukrainian Army has such helmets as here we have no evidences of the place of filming.
The phrase “militants of so-called National Guard” also does not correspond to reality. The National Guard is a part of the national Army of the state, and it has a right to take part in combat actions. The word “militants” is used to call illegal armed groups.
Concerning this, Moscow blogger Viktor Kadochnikov recalls the famous Goebbels expressions: “The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed”, and “We striving not for truth, but effect”.