On July 29-30, Russian media falsely reported that Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk had been taken to a Kyiv hospital after suffering a nervous breakdown. The story was first publicized by Jtimes.ru, oppps.ru, and iamir.info (iamir.info later removed the story from its site, though it remained in the cache) and then later spread among social networks.


These media outlets cited BBC Radio as their source, though without specifying which of BBC’s many national radio stations reported it, or the name of the BBC correspondent. Meanwhile, no such news is mentioned on the BBC Radio site, or on the site of the BBC Ukrainian Service, which would surely have covered the story about the Prime Minister, had it been true. There is also no mention of this among Ukraine’s major news agencies.

According to the Government’s site, from July 29 to July 31, Yatsenyuk maintained an active schedule that included taking part in a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 29 and a working trip to Kharkiv on July 31.