The circulating brochures are fake. The organization Handbook Germany, on behalf of which this brochure was allegedly published, denied its existence. They also noted that such a fake was intended to offend Ukrainian citizens living in Germany, as well as to cause damage to the reputation of the organization.

Social media users spread the news that brochures are allegedly being distributed to Ukrainian refugees in Germany, urging them to learn certain vocabulary in order to find a job. The sheet contains words on the topic of cleaning with German translations. The brochure is accompanied by comments from allegedly outraged Ukrainians who complain that the Germans don’t even think of giving them well-paid and qualified positions.

In reality, this brochure is another fake of Russian propaganda. There are no such tips on the website of the Internet platform Handbook Germany, whose logo was used by propaganda in their fake.

Also, the organization separately published a debunking of this information.

“Our editorial office did not print such information. All our materials are available exclusively in digital format: — on our website or on our official pages in social networks. A post with such a memo appeared in one of the Telegram channels supporting the war in Ukraine, and has two goals at once — to offend Ukrainian citizens living in Germany and to damage the reputation of Handbook Germany,” the Handbook Germany Facebook page wrote.

StopFake has repeatedly refuted disinformation narratives about Ukrainian refugees in the following stories: Fake: Ukrainian Refugees Beat Up Poles for Refusing to Shout “Nazi Slogans”, Fake: Ukrainian Refugees Provoke a Dangerous Disease Outbreak in Rzeszów, Fake: Ukrainian Refugee Influx Causes Crime Increase in Poland and others.