Due to the significant destruction of energy facilities as a result of Russian missile attacks, not only in Kharkiv, but also in other regions, Ukrainians are forced to endure blackout schedules. Contrary to the claims of Russian propaganda, the whole of Ukraine helps the people of Kharkiv with their struggle. So, in all regions of the country, a campaign to collect aid «Give light to Kharkiv» is being held. Constant restoration work is also underway, business restrictions are in place, and emergency aid is being brought in from Romania, Poland and Slovakia. Currently, Ukraine has stopped exporting electricity abroad.
The Kremlin media is spreading a disinformation narrative that while Ukrainians in Kharkiv are without electricity, Kyiv is selling surplus electricity abroad.
«The people of Kharkiv «bless their Ministry of Energy» and ask them to continue helping Poland in need,» writes one of the propaganda sources.

Russian propaganda is constantly trying to divide Ukrainian society by spreading such narratives. But the Kremlin, as usual, distorts reality, first of all omitting the very fact of missile attacks on critical infrastructure facilities by Russia, which is already a war crime.
In response to the massive missile attacks on Kharkiv and the region’s energy infrastructure, the city introduced a blackout schedule. From April 21 to 24, the lights will be turned off for at least 3-5 hours in all areas of the city, as well as in the region, as reported by the head of the regional military administration Oleg Synehubov. In some neighborhoods, there may be no electricity even from 8 to 9 hours due to network failures.
Contrary to the claims of Russian propaganda, the whole of Ukraine helps the people of Kharkiv with their struggle. So, in all regions of the country, a campaign to collect aid «Give light to Kharkiv» is being held. All regions collect generators, power banks and various chargers to help Kharkiv residents survive long-term power outages.
«The heads of the Khmelnytskyi, Volyn and Kyiv military administrations personally visited Kharkiv and handed over a considerable amount of accumulated aid from regional centers, districts, communities, caring benefactors, volunteers and ordinary Ukrainians for the needs of the region. And Kherson Oblast, which, like us, experiences the terror of the Russians every day, was the first to respond and sent a batch of the necessary equipment,» Synehubov said.
Besides, Kharkiv and the region continue to work on restoring electricity, although the destruction caused by Russian shelling is quite serious. According to Oleg Synehubov, the Kharkiv military administration head, something can be restored in a month, and some objects will take years to restore.
Due to significant destruction of energy facilities, as well as a drop in temperature, in addition to business restrictions, emergency aid is also being brought in from Romania, Poland, and Slovakia. Ukraine’s Energy Ministry notes that attracting emergency assistance from neighboring countries is a standard tool for the interaction of synchronized energy systems.
«Ukraine, like our partners, also provides emergency aid when necessary and whenever possible,» the ministry notes.
Earlier Ukraine indeed exported electricity when there was a surplus of generated capacities, but in lue of the current conditions the Ministers Cabinet canceled this resolution. Previously, exports were allowed only under the condition of providing electricity primarily to Ukrainian users.
Previously, StopFake refuted the manipulation that the energy sector in Ukraine was allegedly protected with mere sandbags for 2 billion UAH.