The Russian information agency Eurasia Daily reports that foreign fighters have come from far and wide to attend the second Crimean Tatar Workd Congress Coordinating held in the Kherson  region on January 16-17.

Eurasia Daily claims that militants and jihadists from assorted organizations attended the Crimean Tatar meeting. “According to the organizers of the meeting, delegates from 43 countries participated in the work of the Islamic Committee. Among them were fighters from the Syrian Turkoman Movement, Boz Qurd (Grey Wolves) from Turkey, jihadists from Libya, Algiers, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Pakistan and Afghanistan” writes Eurasia Daily.

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Ukraina.Ru, Vesti.Online and Pravda.News were just some of the sites that carried this fake story.

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No representatives from the above mentioned countries attended the Crimean Tatar congress.

The official Facebook page of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis lists the countries from which Crimean Tatar delegates came: Rumania, Turkey, Germany, Canada, Lithuania, Bulgaria and the United States. Representatives from Russian occupied Crimea also attended the Congress.

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Eurasia Daily also claims that Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Djemilev said that any Muslim wanting to join the jihad against the “damn Russians” for the liberation of sacred Crimea can do so after attaining an official status from Ukraine’s Defense Ministry.” Mustafa Djemilev never uttered such a statement.  Eurasia Daily is the only media to carry this fake quote.