Russian media is claiming that Germany will be sending its bombers to Syria to support France. reports: “Germany will send Tornado bombers to Syria to support France’s battle against Isis.
The announcement was allegedly made by Henning Otte, press-secretary for the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) parliamentary party.” The German website is cited as the source of this information.
In fact, the original story published on The Local, a website which publishes German news in English reads as follows: “Germany will send Tornado reconnaissance aircraft over Syria to support France’s battle against Isis, said MP Henning Otte, defence spokesman for Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU).”

Germany has already announced that it might send reconnaissance aircraft which will provide information about targets for international anti Isis coalition forces.
Germany will not participate in direct bombardments of Syria and has not announced any change of this position.
The fake story about German bombers was also posted by, and other Russian sites.

It should be noted that there are three types of Tornado aircraft: fighter-bomber, reconnaissance and interceptor aircraft. It is reconnaissance aircraft that this story was really about.