Flying the rainbow flag over Kyiv is an attempt by Ukrainian authorities to undermine values which will end with the collapse of Ukraine. This is how Russian monarchist and orthodox internet site Tsargrad responded to the rainbow flag being attached to a controversial Soviet era monument called the Motherland as part of this year’s Kyiv Pride, further calling the event a falsification of history.

Antifascist, Federalnoye Agentstvo Novostey RIAfan, Nation news, ASD news and others featured this fake story. 

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This year’s Kyiv Pride under the hashtag #mamazrozumijeipidtrymaie (#momwillunderstandandsupport) was conducted completely on-line and did not have anything to do with the history of World War II. As part of the celebration, a rainbow LGBT flag was flown over Kyiv with the help of a drone, which hovered over the Motherland statue for some time, making it seem as if the rainbow flag was flying from her sword. “Motherland for equality for all” was the announcement for the flag flying over the Ukrainian capital, the video of the entire flag event ends with the words “Being different is good together”.

Dronarium Ukraine, the company that conducted the performance with the flag posted a statement on its Facebook page in support of the LGBT Ukrainian community, explaining that declaring that support by flying the rainbow flag in the sky is a great idea.

Скриншот – @DronariumUkraine

“We respect the war heroes who gave their lives for our freedom and in no way want to offend their memory. But at the same we are discouraged by the coat of arms of a dead colossus on a monument in the center of European capital. This is an oxymoron. That is why we view this monument without any reverence”.

The Motherland statue is part of a World War II memorial complex in Kyiv. The 102 meter high steel monument is an example of socialist realism; it was unveiled in 1981 by Leonid Brezhnev, the General Secretary of the Communist Party. The female statue wields a sword in her right hand and a shield bearing the Soviet hammer and sickle coat of arms in her left.

Russia’s disinformation machine regularly churns out fakes claiming that Ukraine is falsifying history, particularly regarding World War II. StopFake has debunked several of these fakes, such as Ukraine gained the most from World War II and Ukraine will have to return Lviv to Poland