Saturday, July 27, 2024


Stories in the Context section are not fakes. We publish them in order to provide greater insight for our readers about the techniques, methods and practices used by the Russian government in its information war. They appear on our site with the permission of their original publisher and reflect the views of the authors and not necessarily the position of StopFake’s editorial board.

Almost a Third of Russians Would Like Their Children or Grandchildren to Grow Up...

Thirty percent of Russians, nearly one in three, say that they would like their children or grandchildren to serve in the security organs with...

Ukraine conflict: Hackers take sides in virtual war

Throughout the bitter violence of the Ukrainian conflict, another hidden war has been waged, involving several groups of computer hackers. Little is beyond their reach....

BBC World Service fears losing information war as Russia Today ramps up pressure

Former director calls for more cash to fight propaganda saying BBC is being outgunned by Kremlin-backed news channel The BBC World Service is being financially...

Ukraine: Fighting the information war

How do you fight an enemy that hides behind Internet trolls and faked photos? NATOChannel meets some of the people calling out Russian disinformation on...

Putin says Russia won’t be intimidated over Crimea

Russia will not be intimidated over its actions in Ukraine and Crimea, President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday as his foreign ministry warned that...

More than half of Latvians live in fear war due to Ukraine crisis, survey...

The number of of residents who fear the threat of war due to the Ukraine crisis has risen from 35 percent in 2011 to...

Russian Spies Return to Europe in ‘New Cold War’

Earlier this month, experts convened in Brussels for a conference titled 'The Second Cold War: Heating Up?' Even among the plethora of current 'New...

NATO Battles back in Information war with Russia

If the Russian media is to be believed, Ukraine is a country bordering on chaos, with fascists taking over the country following an illegal...

Sputnik Launches Website, Radio Broadcasting in Abkhazia

On Monday, the multimedia group Sputnik launched its website and radio broadcasting in the Republic of Abkhazia. The Sputnik-Abkhazia multimedia hub is a major project,...

Russia Threatens To Ban BuzzFeed

BuzzFeed has received a warning over a post on this week’s attack in the capital of Chechnya. Russia has warned BuzzFeed that it will ban...