Saturday, July 27, 2024


Stories in the Context section are not fakes. We publish them in order to provide greater insight for our readers about the techniques, methods and practices used by the Russian government in its information war. They appear on our site with the permission of their original publisher and reflect the views of the authors and not necessarily the position of StopFake’s editorial board.

Ukraine’s New “Ministry of Truth” Ridiculed on Social Media

The creation of a new Ministry of Information Policy within the Ukrainian government has caused widespread consternation among Ukrainians, leading some to dub it...

Tory blushes deepen over activities of Conservative Friends of Russia

Group finds itself unravelling amid concerns over its 'political direction' and claims it is uncritically cheerleading for the Kremlin. It seemed like the perfect fact-finding...

Royals And Russian Money Men Set To Mingle At London Conference

Figures linked to massive Russian fraud cases or connected to Russian state institutions on Western sanctions lists spoke at a Russian business forum at...

Le Pen borrowed €9 mln from Kremlin-linked bank

The far-right French party, Front National (FN), borrowed €9 million from a Russian bank, posing questions over its relationship with the Kremlin. The loan, by...

Chinese Diplomat Welcomes Launch of Sputnik Chinese News Service

Plenipotentiary minister of the Chinese embassy to Russia Xie Xiaoyong emphasized that cooperation between Russian and Chinese media plays a crucial role in the...

The Kremlin is loving the Ferguson riots

Explosions, violence and social injustice: it’s not the Middle East, North Africa or eastern Ukraine, but Ferguson, Missouri — which is just how the...

War of words over Russian policy

There is ostensibly a ceasefire in Ukraine, but since the Minsk Accord was signed in September, the OSCE says it's been breached some two...

Russian Ambassador To Britain Welcomes New Propaganda Channel With Bizarre Rant

Alexander Yakovenko, Russia’s ambassador to Britain, marked the launch of RT UK, the Kremlin’s British-specific propaganda channel, on Thursday with a lengthy and eccentric...

Soviet Propaganda Back in Play With Ferguson Coverage

Those relying on Russia's state-run media right now are probably under the impression that all of America is up in flames and on the brink of imploding because the U.S. government is...

Lugansk News Today: One Man’s SEO Battle with Russia Today

An anonymous blogger has been covering events in Eastern Ukraine on the English-language Lugansk News Today website, offering an alternative to Russia's anglophone media...