Friday, May 17, 2024


Stories in the Context section are not fakes. We publish them in order to provide greater insight for our readers about the techniques, methods and practices used by the Russian government in its information war. They appear on our site with the permission of their original publisher and reflect the views of the authors and not necessarily the position of StopFake’s editorial board.

Lobbying for Brexit: How the Kremlin’s media are distorting the UK’s debate

The Kremlin wants Britain to leave the EU. That, at least, is the impression given by the coverage of the so-called "Brexit" debate by...

How international media failed Moldova’s protesters

There’s more to Moldova's protests than “pro-European” versus “pro-Russian”, Mihai Popșoi wrote for Open Democracy. Moldova’s image as the poorest country in Europe is rivaled only...

Kremlin Censor Finally Brings Down the Hammer on the RuNet’s Pluckiest Freedom Advocates

Russian censors have finally decided to block the website of RosKomSvoboda, a Russian Internet freedom and human rights organization, by adding it to the...

Putin’s Media Are Pushing Britain For The Brexit

The Kremlin’s English-language outlets are at it again: Just months after lobbying for Jeremy Corbyn’s election as leader of the UK opposition, they are...

Putin propaganda picks up ex-Pentagon contractors

As Washington cuts back efforts to counter Russian propaganda, the Kremlin is hiring American communications talent straight from the Pentagon, Michael Waller wrote for...

How the Russian MoD Invented a US Bombing of Aleppo

This post originally appeared in Russian in the blog “Noodle Remover”. The following is an abridged translation of that post.On February 11, during a Russian...

How censorship works in Vladimir Putin’s Russia

Russia can be a murderously difficult place to do independent journalism; the killing of reporter and activist Anna Politkovskaya in 2006 ought to have...

44% Georgians Say Russia’s Influence Has Grown Significantly since 2012

A survey conducted by Caucasus Research Resource Centre (CRRC) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in August 2015 showed that a 44 per cent...

Russian media breaks Putin family taboo

Russian President Vladimir Putin likes to cultivate the image of a tough national leader and macho man. It is an image that has left...

​​Alexei Bayer: Why is Putin’s propaganda successful?

I have read reports claiming that Russian propaganda has been developed based on some super-scientific principles developed in secret FSB (Federal Security Service) psychology...